Now, this isn't a list to get depressed by, no, it's a list to embrace. Lets embrace the little grievances in life. Take them out for a drink. Drunkenly fondle their pert buttocks and then breath a big sigh of relief as it could be much worse.
In no particular order (and please feel free to comment and add as you see fit)
- Nothing but empty After Eight wrappers in the box. Could have sworn there were some left - and who does keep putting the buggers back in!
- 'Celebrity' columns. Thanks, you've fucked your offensive little life up and now you're trying to reach into my soul and vomit on mine.
- Blockbuster movies - no, not the store. Though they're awful - where have all the films gone? a whole wall of one film does not a film store make. No, i mean the films you used to get excited about as a kid. What happened to the exciting feeling of going to the cinema? Hmmm....cost, noise, kids, toilets, heat/cold....jesus i think i just grew an extra grey hair.
- Paying for a takeway on cheque, post dating it for after yer payday and then realising the bastards have cashed it two days early.
- A hard sneeze which makes you fart violently at the same time. Or is that just me?
- Ice cream headaches.
- Being both hot and bothered - i don't mind either, but combined they really are too much.
- Expensive pubs - you know who you are. Stop tempting me with your sweet nectar.
Well, there's a few to get you going....